Useful Web Sites for Writers
Grammarly is an automated proofreader and your personal grammar coach. Check your writing for grammar, punctuation, style and much more.
WhiteSmoke 2010 Powerful grammar checking software.
WEbook an online community where you can share your work, get feedback from other writers & readers in your genre with a list of over 80 established literary agents.
English Grammar Software Practically anyone who wishes to quickly enhance, enrich and upgrade their English skills.
Romance Divas free writer's resource website and discussion forum dedicated to the romance and writing community.
PaperRater free online writing analysis tool to ensure that your grammar adheres to the standards of the English language and wonderful vocabulary builder.
Urban Fantasy Writers free writer's resource and discussion forum dedicated to the urban fantasy genre.
DictionaryBoss Great resources like spell check, dictionary look-up, translations, word of the day.
Dark Angel Writing an insightful blog for new writers on characterization, dialogue, voice, editing, style, and a list of agents and publishers.
Editor software for checking spelling, word usage, punctuation, and style, is compact and fast.
Power Writer is a great fiction writing software and one of the best in its category.
Author! Author! Anne Mini's Blog is a useful site for new writers. It provides formatting guidelines, submission advice, editing tips and so much more by a published author. A remarkable resource for any writer.
Literary Rambles A forum for all things children's and young adult literature with tons of agent interviews.
Absolute Write Water Cooler a forum for just about any kind of writing, frequented by authors of all skill levels.
YALITCHAT a forum that actively seeks to advance the good of the entire young adult community worldwide, every day. Through writing, reading, selling, buying, teaching, leading, creating, editing, etc. YA books--we become the medium by which the world experiences what it means to be young adult.
Agent Query offers the largest, most current searchable database of literary agents on the web—a treasure trove of reputable, established literary agents seeking writers just like you. And it's free!
Horror Writers is an online community for writers of creepy fiction. So whether you write short stories, novels, or film scripts, this site will provide you with an absolute treasure trove of material relating to all aspects of the horror genre.
FLOG Notes on manuscript formatting and other advice for fiction writers.