Thursday, October 14, 2010

About Us

This is NOT a typical editing service. We develop good writing into great writing. We can clean up wordy prose and inspire you to enhance your writing style with suggestions and examples. We have a special flair for descriptive tags; those descriptive phrases that are so skillfully tucked into the dialogue and laced throughout the narrative that the reader isn’t even aware of them. But they’re there. The reader may not see them, but you can bet she feels them. They can spice up your novel and get it ready to publish.

My editors will assess pacing, POV, descriptions, tone, and characterization. We take a more tutorial approach to editing, so you actually learn and improve as a writer as you go through our edits and suggestions. Chapter editing usually involves looking at the line-by-line flow of the story and cleaning up or tightening the sentence structure without making extensive changes. Good writing isn't just telling a story, it’s getting the reader swept up in the narrative as they hurry to turn those pages, it is knowing how to grab the reader and keep them interested until the end. It's learning how to handle point of view, conflict, flesh out a character, make a setting feel real, as well as a hundred other things. Let us assist you by supporting you in creating the very best writing possible.

Fiction writing is a wonderful adventure, allowing writers to create compelling characters, indulge in wild loops of imagination, and satisfy some of their deepest yearnings for pattern, mystery, and coherence in their lives.

Affordable editing, critique, and mentoring for writers.
 Friendly, supportive approach. 

Please visit our website for more information

Writing Tip 4 from Elle

1. - Does the description of the setting transport you into the fictional world between the pages or are you still sitting in your chair bored to tears?

2. - Do the descriptions amble on for pages or are they interspersed throughout the story, via character's observations or through the effect each setting should have on characters?

3. - Do the characters, their actions and the time period agree or conflict?

4. - Does the order of events remain consistent throughout the story?

5. - Was the main character's hair dyed blue the night before only to have her wake up in the morning with her brown hair miraculously restored?

Specialize in Horror, Young Adult, Urban Fantasy, and Romantic-Suspense!

Writing Tip 3 From Sherry

Published writers have the fortunate advantage of starting a novel or short story; however, they like. They're an established name with an existing fan base. Their readers, agents, and editors already know that they are more than capable of selling books. But, if you're an unpublished writer, things are not quite so simple, and agents and editors are not quite so tolerant or lenient.

As an unpublished writer, it is absolutely essential that you grab the reader's attention right from the beginning. Metaphorical hands should erupt from the first page, seize your reader by the collar, and yank them, helpless, into the narrative.

This means one thing and one thing only: ACTION.

Don't start your story with description, start it with something actually happening. That means few adjectives and no adverbs. Your opening few paragraphs should be stuffed full of verbs and nouns!

Sherry Soule is a writer and freelance editor for The Fiction Editor. She can improve your novel with helpful suggestions and edits. She is based in San Francisco, California, but is available worldwide. As a fellow writer, she respects the written word. Sherry specializes in romance, horror, and suspense fiction. Check out her blog for struggling writers: Dark Angel Writing

Writing Tip 2 from Ann

1. - Does the dialogue match the time frame?

2. - Is the dialogue punctuated correctly?

3. - Did the dialogue include unnecessary profanity, too many sentence fragments, clichés, or too heavy a dialect?

4. - Have your characters rambled on, chit-chatting away into banal obscurity?

5. - Does each character have their own manner of speaking, like real people do?

6. - The dialogue should match the conflict that is happening between the characters, whether it's sexual, social, physical or political.

Andrea Mauro is a published fiction author and a full-time editor who can improve your novel or non-fiction work. She is based in Marin, California, but is available worldwide. As an editor, she will honor your unique writer's voice, and won't change it. She also has a flair for creating professional resumes and cover letters.